Keywords in Context Index
NAG C Library Manual


g05ejc   Pseudo-random sample without replacement from an integer vector
g05nbc   Pseudo-random sample from an integer vector
g07ddc   Trimmed and winsorized mean of a sample with estimates of the variances of the two means
g07eac   Robust confidence intervals, one-sample
g07ebc   Robust confidence intervals, two-sample
g13cac   Univariate time series, smoothed sample spectrum using rectangular, Bartlett, Tukey or Parzen lag window
g13cbc   Univariate time series, smoothed sample spectrum using spectral smoothing by the trapezium frequency (Daniell) window
g13ccc   Multivariate time series, smoothed sample cross spectrum using rectangular, Bartlett, Tukey or Parzen lag window
g13cdc   Multivariate time series, smoothed sample cross spectrum using spectral smoothing by the trapezium frequency (Daniell) window
g13dmc   Multivariate time series, sample cross-correlation or cross-covariance matrices
g13dnc   Multivariate time series, sample partial lag correlation matrices, χ2 statistics and significance levels

Keywords in Context Index
NAG C Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2002